Category Archives: Spiritual Solvents…In our quest for higher conscious, what sticks to the ribs and heart.

In our quest for higher conscious, what sticks to the ribs and heart

james mathers artist. ritualized

This week, The Ritualizer astral travels and grounds in the rituals that are the essence of artist and philosopher, James Mathers.

James is the real deal, an articulate, sensitive, differentiated independent and realized creative, mastered in many mediums. He continues to playfully enjoy counter culture and petri dish commercialism.  He is both misunderstood and enjoyed by many.

I first met James about a year before his first one man show in New York, a full page ‘non paid’ profile in Warhol’s Interview Magazine which was followed up by the famous ‘Roses Lime Juice’ ad. ((google it))

Here is a tasting of some of rituals that James shared with me:


Well,  wherever I am when I wake up, which could be anywhere, I look for something broken or chipped or cracked or incomplete because that’s a sign.

Then I find my gratitude.


For me the challenge is to stay in my body and not out of it so my travel ritual is to sense and feel my feet or one foot.

Children seem to do this instinctively, so with practice – observation and many crayons to paper, this ritual is now illustrated with suggested directive guidance in my book so anyone of any age can practice this ritual.


Always happens when making contact and connection while putting the crayon to paper.
This takes me back to when I was a kid and did this very complicated drawing of a boat.
My mother put the picture of the boat on the refrigerator and I was instantly famous. This was my first taste of notoriety and I’ve had a crayon in my pocket ever since.


My nature ritual involves running water, whether it’s a river, stream or non specific muck running down the sewer.
First, I go to the downside, I speak to the spirit, and say thank you for everything I have ever lost from my teeth, my art, my love, my time, my youth and then I go to the upstream side of the stream and I say thank you for everything that is coming and welcome, often the same things that I have lost in addition to a few wonderful surprises that may come and my own inevitable annihilation.

This way I feel myself as a window or a membrane and this to me feels very empowering.


My giving ritual is that when I give, I immediately forget that I have given anything to anybody and loose track utterly of that account. Therefore, my giving ritual is also my forgetting ritual.

Court Artisan Tip: Perhaps you may already astral travel and not know that, this is what you are/have been doing. James’s graphic novel will provide step by step directives that are supported with clear and playfull illustrations. Expect some adventure, discovery and welcome the un-ravel to access big mind and your higher self by way of astral travel.


Rx: Ritualizer.

A Peek into the private and public rituals of extraordinary ordinary people.

Like Proust’s questionnaire, “The Ritualizer Nine” are nine questions put to extraordinary ordinary people to reveal our habits, pleasures, pathologies and silliness as insight to character, connections to each other and human evolution itself.

Access The shine. Access the Love. Prescription: Ritualizer

Court Artisan: Kelly Lebwith

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Filed under Spiritual Solvents...In our quest for higher conscious, what sticks to the ribs and heart.

probiotic botanical luv hub

COMM-iti-ego explores the creative process and relationships within design and collaborative ventures with three key questions.

This week we interview creative master herbalist, Desiree Romero, a co-creator behind Tonix Botanicals.

1. how do you access your creative?

Something unexpected happens in my life, edging a positive or negative affect.

After meditating on the intent of the situation, a project or business may transform, provided it will help and support many people. Moving through the movement in forming a creative collective I found the properties of my herbal formulas required more potent heart opening herbs within each specific herbal formula to nurture and heal all the vital relationships within the body.

Horst Rechelbacher, the founder of Aveda, encouraged the concept and components of the 5 formulas, so we symbiotically inspired one another. Not knowing why, people were drawn to them and they sold out.

Sexy, Beauty, Serene, Karmic Leap, Vital Energy = 5 formulas, ideal for elixirs.

2. How do you transform fear and disdain into brilliance + partnership + productivity?

‘I love, I can love, to love, because I hate, because I love’ as Dennis Hopper brilliantly ad-libbed in the Director’s Cut of the Henry Jaglom film, Tracks.

3. what have you realized about yourself as a result of creative partnerships?
With the strength of my partners husband Garry and Chris Lyans and as the ‘love hub team’ we venture into new projects, only those, that make us happy.

Reishi, the mushroom of immortality only grows in the mountains, forests or in cultivation. For some reason it started growing in our backyard after my two inspired/ing mentors past. Last year after the death of David Carradine, in June, then re-appeared as Dennis Hopper was dying. Now it is sporing, a creative collective of it’s own.

I woke up this morning, loving my life, knowing we are helping so many people by making and providing the coconut water kefir.

Court Artisan: Kelly Lebwith


Filed under Spiritual Solvents...In our quest for higher conscious, what sticks to the ribs and heart.

I’m Dating Myself

I took myself out on a date tonight. I put on my cut-off shorts, crocheted, racer-back tank top, sparkly sandals, eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss and took myself for a walk. I visited my favorite witches and warlocks at Enchantments where I ordered a candle to burn for prosperity. I inhaled the incense, was dazzled by the glitter besparked floor, and enjoyed the nuzzling of the black cat that watches over the patrons. Then it was on to Luke’s Lobster to sample what has been voted the best lobster roll in NYC. I’ve been homesick for Maine lately and this charming East Village nook offers fresh Maine lobster rolls for a steal.  I left the adorable proprietor a note of appreciation and Maine love, then made my way to the least seedy area of Tompkin’s Square Park I could find. Sprawled on a bench, enjoying all the slices of life sauntering by, I devoured every last lick of lobster with nostalgia for my coastal upbringing. Then I walked myself home, enjoying the half moon over the skyline. I think I’ll ask me out again. It turns out I’m a pretty good time.

Court Artisan: Kate Northrup Moller


Filed under Spiritual Solvents...In our quest for higher conscious, what sticks to the ribs and heart.

move to create to shine

sacred geometry

COMM-iti-ego, explores the creative process and relationships within design and collaborative ventures. We will interview creatives weekly and begin here with designer, Kelly Lebwith.

How do you transform fear and disdain into brilliance + partnership + productivity?

Compassionate communication would be the short answer, yet it does not always go down like that.

While my intellect recognizes that fear and disdain are traps and a form of holding myself back, complaining is an indication one does not know how to move forward, thanks, Karl Wolfe.

Checking out what is real and in front of me is next. To notice what I need to do to take care of myself, release and “let it go” before it kills you, as Morcheeba sings.

Rage, like a passive aggressive Cro-Magnon – feel the sadness and grief under the anger. Identify and elegantly communicate similarities and solutions, call a friend, sit with it until there is movement or let art take you there. Recently a stronger bond and a shift were catalyzed for me after viewing the films; The Wrestler and Slumdog Millionaire.

In all forms of movement and through the love and patience of those invited in that become close to me, the leveling experience and state of grace that creates trans-personal access by way of humility or an “aha” moment, initiates a beautiful transformation.

What have you realized about yourself as a result of creative partnerships?

Connection and nurturing are catalysts for movement.

Over the past 25 years, I continue to enjoy my one-on-one time with my friend, Bret Witke. While the sun and espresso are warming us we can always find something to talk about from an infinite pool of common likes, covering design to sounding out a situation, discussing a strategy or sitting quietly. Once you have come to really know someone, letting them being able to see you can be uncomfortable while soothing. A cycle and balance of communication and space seems to consistently work.

Over time, here’s what I’ve learned. While I’m smart enough to see what others are made of – strong enough to nurture, throw down or walk away – my gentle heart is capable of navigating solo. By being in relationship with others, I evolve as I learn more about myself from my experiences with others.

There is no need to hide, only shine.

Court Artisan: Kelly Lebwith

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Filed under Spiritual Solvents...In our quest for higher conscious, what sticks to the ribs and heart.